
High Priestess Oracle
7.8h average response
91.2% on-time delivery

About my services

I facilitate 'Journey of the Soul' Readings. This is where Spirit and my Guides have directed my gifts. My readings will always focus on what is most important in your life at this time and how to work through it. Although I work with clients, it is all orchestrated by Spirit,which is why I meditate prior to readings. I connect ,outside of my ego, all to interpret the messages as I see, hear, feel, and experience. Spirit will always present what is most necessary to work through at this time. Spirit always knows and always guides to help clients achieve their greatest potential. With that I commonly present options and tools that have helped clients move through blocks and obstacles... all to reach hopes and desires. I prefer to begin my reading with an open invitation to Spirit. I enter into a trance-like state and use the cards to understand and relay the messages. I am always open to questions and clarification from clients. We are all here on a Journey of the Soul and I assist clients in discovering blocks and then offer tools to live their best version of themselves, always with passion.


Oracle guidance, Love readings, Tarot readings

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