
Dyan Ferguson
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About my services

Let me help you get clear on what’s happening or what’s in the way of your relatjonship(s), life purpose or spiritual path! If you’re in pain, confusion or indecision in any of these areas, this is the perfect time to get a reading from me. We all need guidance in seeing things more clearly or understanding life!! This can help us make infinitely better choices and completely shift our future. I read energy, spirit guides or cards — your choice. Let me know what you prefer. PLEASE HAVE 1-2 SPECIFIC QUESTIONS. This will ensure you get what you want and need. No health or legal questions. I am trained as a psychic reader, Akashic Records reader and medium. I am also a certified life and relationship coach with over 10 years of experience. I connect to your energy, your guides and loved ones through the vibration of your voice and the energetic invitation you extend when you ask for a reading. Types of readings available: - Psychic readings (I read energy, pictures, beliefs in you and those around you, and provide you with actionable information) - Intuition Oracle card readings - Akashic Records (what is your spiritual purpose in life? Why are there certain patterns in your life and how you can evolve beyond them? What past lives are affecting you in this life time? What experiences from other lifetimes are not yet resolved?) - Spirit Guides (we will connect to one or more of your guides and see what wisdom, insights and advice they want to offer you) - Angel readings (I can pull a card if you would like, or we can simply connect to the angels for advice and wisdom; often, they will send high vibration energy during a reading) - Relationship readings (what is happening between you and a loved one? We can see the current dynamic as well as past life connections that may be influencing things) - Energy healings (bring in divine healing energy to clear a belief or help to heal emotional wounds; angels and guides will also send healing energy upon request)


Oracle guidance, Love readings, Psychic readings

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